Friday, September 6, 2019

The Dust Bowl Essay Example for Free

The Dust Bowl Essay Farmers began to plow and plant wheat crops. When World War 1 began the massive wheat crops helped feed many Americans that in another part of the country try where in the beginning of a depression that was caused by the war. The wheat crops also helped feed numerous nations overseas. A drought that began in the beginning of the 1930’s persisted and was leading things in a very negative direction. No matter the circumstances farmers kept on farming hoping the rain would soon come back. In 1931 the rain just stopped and the farmers still kept trying to farm. Without adequate crops people who were already hurting from the depression where starting to feel the impact of the drought. In 1934 the drought impacted 27 states and 75% of the country. Most of the impact from the dust bowl was in the southern plains. The Dust bowl was the result of the worst drought in the history of the United States. In 1935 the wind blew for 27 nights and days and people began to die of suffocation and pneumonia caused from the dust. The affect that it had on the development of the United States is that right before the drought there was an economic over expansion due to the high demand of the wheat and the great soil for crop growth. The poorly managed the land because of over planting and harvesting and when the drought hit the affect was significant economically and the government had to put out large amounts of money to try and recover the economy. 2. Sun Belt The economic and political impact of the nation’s shift in population from the south to the west is called the Sun Belt. The economic growth since World War 2 increased migration from the north east in the United States. The rapid growth in population changed quickly and moved people to the Sun Belt states. It increased tourist industries and brought wealth to the Sun Belt states. This impacted the geographical and environment of the section of the United States greatly. B. One significant environmental or geographical factor that contributed to the development or diffusion on one human society from: Egypt’s geographic characteristics that affect the development of human society were the Nile River. The Nile River made the ability of a large population in a desert region. Also, the Nile would flood bringing rich soil to the lower regions of the rivers course. The crops in this area did well and the flooding helped set a steady schedule for planting and harvesting and because of this the societies remained stable and had extra time to develop art and science in their culture. The people of Egypt also had access to some of the largest quantities of stone such as granite. This began the development and building of pyramids instead of mud buildings. The Nile River played a huge role in the development of Egypt. 1. Cultural diffusion between Mesopotamia and Egypt. The social and politically elite from Egypt sought exotic goods and items of symbolic prestigiousness from India (Mesopotamia). For example: Mesopotamian cylinder seals and Afghan Lapis Lazuli which were found in early Egyptian tombs. Not only was there trades of items but there was trades of ideas. Egyptians imitated the Lapis Lazuli in their Egyptian Faience (ceramic of glass). Due to the Lapis Lazuli being very rare and expensive the Egyptian felt they could benefit from doing this. The Faience represents the first known attempt to reproduce a material to start their own industry. The idea of pyramids could also be traced back to Mesopotamia with the wall around the complex of the third dynasty King Djoser in Saqqara. Mesopotamia also could be credited for influencing Egypt in writing. They say they did not copy but took the idea and started writing from scratch in their own language. When I think about cultural diffusion I think about the tradition of the Christmas tree. It originated in Germany. The decorated the tree with red flowers and white candles to represent the blood of Christ and the body of Christ. When America picked up the tradition through cultural diffusion they change some of the things about how the tradition was done. The Columbia Electric Encyclopedia (2007) Sun Belt. www. factmonster. com/ce6/us/A0847215. html. Retrieved June 16 , 2011. United States History, The Dust Bowl. www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1583. html. Retrieved June 16, 2011. Aleff, Peter (1982) Mesopotamia’s influence on Egypt. www. recoveredscience. com. Retrieved June 22, 2011.

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