Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business process - Essay Example Richard L. Daft in his book â€Å"Management† 4th Edition defines a business process, when pentagon moves thousand of tons of humanitarian aid; it needs hundreds of approvals from the government. It has to first prepare the list of things needed to be sent. It then estimates the cost of these things. Then it has to identify the source of funding for this process i-e. Where are they going to get the money to pay for this aid , either it is going to be through a government grant or through some private charity? After this has been decided again needs the approval from the government. And if it's a government grant it has to wait till they get the required budget. Then after getting the budget they again need to have approving official's signature. Then they have to wait till finance office sends the cheque. The traveling group has to make traveling arrangements and obtain travel advance i-e advance money. Then they have to obtain the traveling tickets from the concerned departme nt. And after these thirteen cumbersome steps only, the concerned people can travel and send the humanitarian aid. As already discussed all these steps were cumbersome and there was a lot of red-tape involved the entire process take too much, As a result that aids value to the recipient was less than if it was achieved immediately. As already discussed all these steps were cumbersome and there was a lot of red-tape involved the entire process take too much, As a result that aids value to the recipient was less than if it was achieved immediately. For example suppose after the Tsunami, Pentagon decided to send aid to those who lost their homes in the disaster. If the above process is being followed, it will take atleast a week for this aid to reach the people. The value of this aid for the consumer would now be less or in other words it would not be as important as if it would have been received the next day. The reason behind this loss of value for the recipients is that by the time they would have gotten the aid from the neighboring countries. They would have been able to console themselves as time is the best healer and due to diminishing marginal utility. That is if you have something then another unit of the same thing gives you less satisfaction. After Tsunamis victims received the aid from neighboring countries then the Pentagon's aid will not give these people the same utility or same value as before. Same happens with the consumer, the more time businesses take to satisfy there needs and wants the less value that thing (product or service) gives to the consumers. This is because the consumer demands are ever changing. If they demand something and if a business takes too much time in producing that thing, then by the time the business

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