Monday, May 20, 2019

Meaning of life Essay

philosophical system is the development of ideas close knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of biography, etc a particular set of ideas about knowledge, truth, and meaning of life and a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live (Philosophy, 2014, para. 1). Philosophy scams a huge role in all of our lives. Studding of philosophy influences our lives in many moods and has many purposes. Philosophy has five dollar bill major branches metaphysis, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic. from from each one one of these branches plays a role with culture to develop positions in human beings by wondering, a dynamicprocess, the truth, and wisdom. Philosophy is an attempt to reason clearly and critically about all atomic number 18as of see to it science, religion, art, politics, and mortality (What is Philosophy, Para, 1). The purpose of philosophy is to try to understand and evaluate our most basics, beliefs, values, and to integrate them into a long view of each of us and the world around us (What is Philosophy, 2014).Studying philosophy is important because it continues to play an important role in shaping the future of all human existence, Philosophy enhances personal growth, lord opportunities, improves reading skill, critical thinking, communication, and economic aids in arguments by showing your philosophical knowledge (What is Philosophy, 2014). There are five major basic branches of philosophy. The branches are the metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic.The metaphysics branch is the study of existence. For example, a few questions one might look at them self would be PHILOSOPHY 3 what else is out thither, why I am here, and what is my purpose in life (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Epistemology branch is the study of knowledge.Individuals like to know as much as possible to help their selves understand what is going in life and around then. For example, a question one might drive their selves would be how I know about certain things. In philosophy, knowledge is looked at as genuine senses, and not just guesses. People that are epistemology rather use statements and questions in factual form, such as, dogs are mammals (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Ethic branch is the study of actions. This is the branch of philosophy that helps the decision making in what is right and what is reproach beliefs and values.An example of ethics is your conscious. On one side there is the devil telling you to do the defame thing, and the angel on the other side telling to do the right thing. Many ethical mountain try to avoid judgment, save have high moral beliefs in specific things. Ethics besides plays a role in religion and faith (Important of Philosophy, 2014). The Aesthetics branch (also known as politics) is the study of action. This is the branch that shoes what actions are permissible. An example, would be how politics work in the world. What laws should be made, and how they should come to be. governing are the ethics that are applied to people based off what they are told to do or believe (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Finally, the last branch of philosophy is logic or esthetics. This is the study of art. The main question is what dismiss life be like?This is the branch that allows mankind to see the world in an abstract demeanor. harmonise to Importance of Philosophy (2014) PHILOSOPHY 4 Esthetics is important because it delves into the reason why art has al authoritys existed, the burning need of mankind through the ages to see the world in a different, clear way itfurther evaluates art by the standards of human life, and whether it accomplishes the job of satisfying mans intellectual needs, or whether it tends to hurt or make worse those needs (Para. 3).Esthetics is bringing the emotion and idea together to make a decision (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Within all the branches there are arguments, these arguments helps in philosophy to take creative thin king and growth. We all have questions, and beliefs to the meaning of life, and we leave alone continue to argue trough ethnic, logic, politics, and beliefs.Each of the five basic philosophy groups have to face basic arguments, Thesearguments are twist of arguments, evaluating arguments, types of arguments, and inner fallacies (Chaffee, 2013). The structure of arguments includes reason, reason, and conclusion. Evaluating arguments include truth of reason, validity of structure, and soundness of argument. There are two types of arguments deductive conclusion follows inescapably from premises (reasons), and inductive conclusion supported by premises to some degree. Finally, there are informal fallacies, these are unsound arguments that appeal to emotion and prejudice (Chaffee, 2013).Philosophy and culture interact to develop thought because there are so many different beliefs in the word. Philosophy is love and wisdom, while in culture there is so much hate. The more we talk about our beliefs, and talk out the way we each feel it constrains creative thinking, and more open minds. For example, scientist see things one PHILOSOPHY 5 way, but when we are more philosophical it shows us that there are more than one answer to each question. Science believes in evolution, religions believe in god, while the rest of us are still exhausting to find the meaning of life.When it comes to me, I think ethics represents me the most. I believe in right and wrong, and I have faith. I believe that taking actions against wrong in the world is very important. In our culture, there is so much hate, and I am a very big advocate for equality. I involvement for equality for all humans, and I also fight for the rights of animals. Philosophy is the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature, and meaning of life (Philosophy, 2014, para. 1). There are five major basic groups, and there will always be questions to create creative thinking, and open minds.Philosophy hasbeen arou nd from the beginning of time, and will be around until the end of time. We will always want to know the meaning of life and why we exist. PHILOSOPHY 6 References Chaffee, J. (2013). The philosophers way Thinking Critically about Profound Ideas (1st Ed,). Pearson Education, INC. Importance of Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http//www. importanceofphilosophy. com/FiveBranchesMain. html Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http//www. merriam- webster. com/dictionary/philosophy What is Philosophy? (2014). Retrieved from http//www. etsu. edu/cas/philosophy/whatis. aspx.

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