Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Article response paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

response paper - Article ExampleAccording to Philip, workforce experience varied struggles through a antique approach system that mandates their gender identity thus engage in violent acts against wo custody. In the end, express Male proves the possibility of using a system that promotes the consumption of popular culture to its advantage. 2. Comments and deep intelligence of the article with clear indication to outside sources peer reviewed articles, According to Philips article, he indicates that mens personnel against women is majorly due to patriarchal systems, which exhibit cultural circumstances promoting violence against women (Philips, n.d). For instance, from ancient times, men in the society were not to show whatever signs of vulnerability because one would have faced severe punishment. His consume concurs with that of Feder, Levant, & Deans whose findings Just like philips allege traditional masculine aspects of men estranges and isolates them from their veridical inner self as well as having cordial relations to others (Feder, Levant, & Dean, 2010). To them, this theory increases chances of men pursue in violent acts against women in the society. ... However, based on Brent and Erics study, mens violence against diverse parties like children, women and their peers mainly emanates from their aggressive response towards stress or exacerbation (Brent &Eric, 2006). They claim men are prone to react violently towards stress factors like threat delusions unlike women who approach such issues in a peaceful manner. Their study also supports Philips tip of view because they also correct out men as prone to violence beings. I concur with these studies since I believe men in the society conform to norms that place them over women. Society advocates men should not confess any sort of weakness to the female gender thus do them react violently to women in their involve to prove their masculinity. I also believe it is an act of nature among men to react violently from the slightest provocation directed towards them. Therefore, I believe the only way to help men refrain from violent acts is via making them understand the reasons behind their violent deeds 3. Outstandingly concise excerpts taking from the article By emplacement mens violence against women bas a culturally supported act created through large systems of business leader and oppression, we can begin to see the fallacy in addressing violence solely on a private basis. The excerpt shows if we should succeed in eradicating the vice of gender violence against women in the society, then the starting point is by addressing forces compelling certain acts. Therefore, this excerpt offers a strong basis of addressing the menace whereby it is fundamental for needed stakeholders to follow it while addressing the vice (Philips, 261). Here I would note that men who have been socialized in

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