Friday, May 31, 2019
Elaine Showalters Representing Ophelia :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Hamlet
Elaine Showalters Representing Ophelia Elaine Showalter defines Ophelia in galore(postnominal) typical ways in her essay Representing Ophelia Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism. She discusses her significance in acknowledgment to how she reveals Hamlets characteristics. Showalter touches upon the idea that Ophelias character is one that is symbolic of the psychiatric theories of Freud. Showalter also attributes the characterization of Ophelia to not only the audience, but also to the actress that plays the part. Never does she suggest that Ophelia could be unsloped that, Ophelia. Her holy article is devoted to individual interpretation of the play in its entirety, focusing primarily on Ophelia. Showalter presents her own ideas by bringing together the ideas of many others such as Jacques Lacan, Susan Mountfort, Ellen Terry, and more. Showalter provides suffice evidence in addressing each argument, but in doing so, she never takes into account the poss ibilities of Shakespeares reasoning. In the discussion of Ophelias character, her madness is almost eternally at the center of controversy. Showalter recognizes and explains many interpretations of her madness. Ophelias madness is, by some, attributed to a predictable outcome of erotomania (225). This term erotomania was what the Elizabethans referred to as female love-melancholy. Yet another interpretation is that of the romanticistic Ophelia, in which she is referred to as a young girl passionately and visibly determined to picturesque madness (228). Later, it is explained what is meant by this definition when Showalter writes about how people viewed Ophelia as a woman who felt too much and somehow allowed these feelings to overcome her. This type of action would drive a person to madness, just as Ophelia is driven into her madness. This conclusion would seem to suggest that her madness stemmed from some sort of erotic passion between herself and Hamlet. This is the type of int erpretation that is given to the audience in many movie versioesult of erotomania. Elaine Showalter creates an argument that is predominantly based on the idea that Ophelias madness is one that comes from her female love-melancholy. Showalter cites many actresses, critics, doctors, and such that completely support this idea, and fork up actually expressed this idea to others in many ways. If it is not true that Hamlet and Ophelia had sexual encounters, then this interpretation of the character and its effect on the entire play can be understood on a completely different level.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Cross-Listing :: Business, Stock Exchange
Cross- inclination can be defined as the itemisation of a familiaritys shares in a stock exchange beyond its crime syndicate country boundaries. It can also be termed as a secondary listing for firms those which are already listed in their home country. Typically, when companies grow bigger and diversify business, they opt for cross-listing to raise capital from larger and more liquid foreign markets. In 2009, nearly 3100 firms cross listed their equity on major overseas stock exchanges globally (World Federation of Exchanges, 2010, list provided in appendix) . It is not only pursued by companies from developed countries but companies from emerging countries are also actively participating. Some major global cross-listing destinations are New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange, capital of Japan Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and so on. The key focus of this paper will be on examining the stock price reaction and the patterns of returns before and afterw ards listing date for a diverse sample of firms from different countries specifically in the case of London Stock Exchange (LSE). Existing literature has complete evidence that cross-listings on US exchanges are associated with considerable positive stock market reactions (Foerster and Karolyi, 1999 Miller, 1999). However, there has been limited research on the impact of cross-listing on non US exchanges. This serves as a primary motivation for my interest to explore and gain understanding on a stocks return in its home market as result of cross-listing on LSE. The rest of this paper is structured in the following manner. Section 2 provides a literature review, while atom 3 outlines the data, sample and research methodology. Section 4 impersonates the empirical results and its discussions. Finally, in section 5 I draw a conclusion.In this section, I present an overview of the existing literature that has been reviewed as a part of gaining an understanding on the extent of work th at has already been done on the topic of cross-listing and its impact on stock returns. Moreover, literature review was also essential for understanding the statistical methodologies and approaches that I can apply in this paper for testing my hypothesis. Cross listing has been a topic of immense interest among researchers for a long time. There has been lot of developments as well as debate in the cross-listing literature on its different aspects such as motivation for companies to cross-list, whether cross-listing creates value, its impact on risk and return, its financial and economic impacts so on and so forth.
Essay --
WHAT IS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR?Consumer behavior is the study or the art of how people purchase, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It refers to the actions and all the decision process of people who purchase goods and services for personal consumption. Consumption can be in any form and anywhere.why IS IT IMPORTANT?Production Concept (consumers buy what is available than what they really want)Product Concept (consumers will buy a product of highest quality, best performance and some features)Selling Concept (consumers mostly buy the product when they ar actively and aggressively persuaded)Marketing Concept (marketer must make what sells rather than sell what it makes) curing of Consumption-VARIOUS OBSERVATIONS AT THE SHOPPING MALL-We in a group had seen a number of things at the Shopping Mall. There were many an(prenominal) different types of customs and rituals likewise and different ways of how people act. On the observation day, there were many people in groups of t hree or more. Majority of the people walking in the mall are that of the youth and the children who just like to spend their time in any form of entertainment. People are unique in many ways such as different cultures, views, and perceptions. For people to adapt to a new culture, people must learn to understand point outs, norms, and social control. These three factors are important and touch almost every aspect of social life and are used in every day to day life. A sign is a symbol that stands for or conveys an idea. Signs could be price tag, a slow down sign etc. As signs convey information and are the most common and they make everyones life easier. Gesture is an example of signs and linked with body movements. The signs are present almost everywhere, it... ...f use, possession, and maintenance.One caution closely customer look upon greater customer value does not necessarily equal greater customer satisfaction. Customer value is defined as the deviance (or surplus) amid benefits and costs it is a level of return for customer costs. From a cognitive perspective, according to expectation theory, satisfaction is the result of a comparison between what actually occurs and what is expected. Hence the customers buying satisfaction depends on both their perceived value of the purchase and their knowledge of what a fair level of buying value should be. In short, customers will feel satisfied to the extent that the perceived value of their buying exceeds the standard they hold. From this point of view, exceeding value is the key for customer satisfaction, not customer value per se (a surplus value).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
To Singapore with Love Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays
To Singapore with Love   It was with sleepy eyes that I first got off the airplane and into the city of Singapore. All of a sudden, however, I was jolted awake. shot signs and exhibits flashed the words, Welcome to Singapura At that moment, a thrill rushed through me. I had arrived in the City of the Lion, an exotic and mysterious city in the orient, about to jumpstart on an exciting journey of learning and adventure.   From our first day of arrival, the delegates were treated with kindness and respect. I continued to be amazed by the organizations  staff, whose members stayed up in the early hours of the morning to greet us, provide us transport from the airport to the Pasir Ris Resort, and then to check us in. Every day, the event coordinators made sure we were well-informed and cared for, attending to our each and every need.   From the very onset we were introduced to our conference groups. Ensuring a diverse mix of students and teachers, I was pleased to find myself exposed to a astray range of cultures and backgrounds. The student and adult group leaders were amazingly friendly and organized. I was very impressed by their leadership abilit... ... that the 2nd APEC Youth cognition Festival was a great success. Although there were aspects that could have been improved - like more leisure time, improved accommodations, and better food - the event was extremely well-adjusted and beneficial. With a healthy mix of educational research, scientific discussion, cultural interaction, and fun, the overall experience was a success. When I boarded the plane to return to the United States, it was not without a feeling of regret and wistfulness. I knew I would miss beautiful Singapore, but I would also treasure the new memories and friends I had made.
Impeachment Of Andrew :: essays research papers
One mans bullet would force him into the presidency, and but for one mans vote he would have been forced out. resembling the impeachment of President Clinton, the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson in 1868 also ended in an acquittal.And like President Clinton, Johnson was a Democratic president who faced a republican-controlled Congress. And age many were hostile to him for his political agenda, it would be an event separate from his policies that would nearly bring him down.Before it would end, a drama would play out in the Senate filled with partisanship, licit hairsplitting, and the swing votes of a handful of Republicans. The Road to ImpeachmentA war Democrat opposed to secession, in 1864 Johnson was tapped by Republican President Abraham Lincoln as his run mate to balance the Union ticket. He became president following Lincolns assassination in April 1865, just days after the Civil fight ended. As president, Johnsons desire to scale back Lincolns Reconstruction legislation following the Civil War angered the Radical Republican majority that sought to punish the former rebels of the Confederacy. The stage was set for a partisan fight that would ultimately center around a single act. In February 1868, Johnson fired Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who was sympathetic to the Radical Republicans and who was overseeing the militarys Reconstruction efforts. A year earlier, Congress had passed the Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited a president from dismissing any officer confirmed by the Senate without first getting its approval. With Stantons firing, the call for Johnsons impeachment began. To say that they seized the opportunity was too strong, says Michael Les Benedict, a write up professor at Ohio State University and the author of The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson. The president was in obvious defiance. He was daring them, it seemed, to impeach him. And if they didnt, it would have given him a reverse lightning light to bas ically dismantle the Reconstruction program that Congress had passed. Political Opportunism?But others today see that impeachment as political opportunism. Namely, Johnson was opposed to congressional Reconstruction, says Hans Louis Trefousse, author of Andrew Johnson A Biography. So Johnson blocked that and, because he did, they Republicans eventually decided they should throw him out. A more technical inquiry can hardly be imagined, and as a separate basis for removing a president from office it bordered on the absurd, wrote U.S.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Loss of the Unicorns Horn in The Glass Menagerie :: Tennessee Williams
Topic Discuss the significance of the breaking of the unicorns horn. Why does Laura give Jim the down(p) unicorn as a souvenir?The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is a play which is believed to be part of his real life. As the image of Williamss sister Rose, who is provoke in starter animals, Laura also has a glass collection. In the play, the glass menagerie itself is pregnant with significance and symbolism. The breaking of the glass unicorns horn, Lauras favorite one, symbolizes the shattering of her illusions in life.Lauras personality is characterized by her own collection of glass animals, especially the unicorn. Glass animals are fragile and beautiful and so is she innocent and vulnerable. Laura is remote from real life, she finds it weighty to cope with the world outside the Wingfields? tiny apartment. She is confined in the fantasy world of her glass ornaments she spends time playing with them and taking care of them. In fact, it is the glass menagerie which she ?takes more interest in than anything else?, and Laura?s favorite one ? the unicorn, is the best reflection of her. The unicorn is different from other ones because it has a horn, it is beautiful and precious in its own unique way. Laura is also pretty ?in a very different way... And all the nicer because of the difference?. This suggests that Laura has unearthly beauty which is hidden by her encumbrance and shyness. However, as Jim points out, unicorns are ?extinct in the modern world? and, therefore, ?must feel sort of lonesome? honest as Laura?s inferiority abstruse have kept her away from human contacts. Then a big change has happened to Laura and it can be seen through her reaction upon the loss of the unicorn?s horn. When Jim dances with Laura, he hits on the table, dropping the unicorn to the floor and its horn breaks off. Contrary to what might be expected, Laura does not yell or cry out ?as if wounded? handle she did when Tom unintentionally broke her glass animal befo re. She calmly picks it up and reassures Jim that it is alright and ?maybe it?s a blessing in disguise?. She nevertheless makes a joke upon the hornless unicorn, ?I?ll just imagine he had an operation. The horn was removed to make him feel less?freakish?. Now the unicorn is just as normal as the other horses, which symbolizes that Laura becomes more realistic as she begins to accept the truth and learns to face the world.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Commentary Miss Clarissa Harlowe to Miss Howe
The extract taken from Samuel Richardsons Clarissa is a letter from dud Clarissa Harlowe to her sister Miss Howe. In the letter, Miss Clarissa expresses her situation and her feels, as she slows builds up her trouble to the point where she becomes powerless and entangled. Her trouble is that shes in a situation where shes trapped by the events caused by two muckle whom both she dislikes, Mr. Lovelace who bothers her with improper suggestions and Mr. Solmes, who shes soon going to be married to. The extract is written in first person, since it is the actual letter itself where the writer describes her using the close to common form I.This gives a more clear view towards the writer, Clarissas inner emotions and thoughts. It is a piece of epistoltory writing, where the passage is constructed by short carve ups that add effectiveness to the content. The passage starts with a factual tone where Miss Clarissa Harlowe describes her adulterous correspondence with Mr. Lovelace by mentio ning the letter he deposited in the private tend. The phrase private roam suggest secrecy and illicitness of the correspondence and adds a sense of mystery. Speech marks are open in the second paragraph but theres no show speech but only a summary of the situation, concerning time and place.In the factual summary, theres the omission of the names of people, and this implies that her sister Miss Howe knows the characters she mentions, and further, they must have a close relationship for her to know them. This is implication is corresponded with another implication that Miss Howe is not confused by the numerous pronouns used, that suggest she knows the situation well. The third paragraph is a complaint, thats slightly unfriendly and abrupt. The phrase no one gives a strong sense of accusation towards Mr. Lovelace.Theres a sense of real trouble that builds up as the passage moves along. Her sisters, as well as her familys dislike towards Mr. Lovelace are expressed in the insults upo n him and the preferring of M. Solmes stead of him. Trouble is suggested by the adding of bad relations of her family with Mr. Lovelace that makes the illicit correspondence dangerous. Mr. Lovelaces words about himself macrocosm more suitable for marriage than M. Solmes are polite and serious. He speaks of settlement, that includes wealth, money, land, which are all proper considerations of marriage.The regularity of his life and manners is a more serious expression that he had no bad habits. However, his bad habits are before his addresses to her, which implies that he had bad habits before. The politeness is suggested in the word addresses, as well as the phrase he will not disgrace himself and hope of my favor. However, contrary to Mr. Lovelaces polite offerings, the family and him are at bad terms, implied by the use of the imperative word must in his proposals, which suggest that the family will not likely accept them.Clarissa continues to use revelatory spoken language to d escribe her situation with Mr. Lovelace. Her language reveals what Mr. Lovelace wants, says and what he will do in his letter. For example he will submit to any measures that I shall prescribe, in redact to bring about a reconciliation. Along with his polite offerings, Mr. Lovelace tries to show that he has no bad intentions by the suggestion of a meeting attended by whom I please. Mr. Lovelaces suggestions are all improper, wild and impossible. Young women do not meet men at nighttime in some garden because reputation mattered.It was improper to offer her an asylum when she should be tyrannically treated and it was almost impossible for her friends to drive her into a foreign protection. She is offended towards the suggestions because she mentions them. M. Lovelaces suggestions condemn itself because its impossibility and familiarity are all implied. The conundrum exists when she mentions, I had given him great encouragement as well as the improper suggestions that shes offende d to. It emphasizes the improperness of the suggestions and her feeling of being offended. Clarissas retelling of Mr. Lovelaces description of himself, furrows with Mr.Lovelaces improper, impossible suggestions. One is polite, serious while the other abrupt and offensive. The contrast further intensifies the feeling of being offended by Clarissa. In contrast to her strong feeling, her comments are reduced to only four lines while the majority of the description is about Mr. Lovelace. She moves to the inequality between man and woman where she finds women are to a fault complaisant or bashful. Theres an indication of the arrogance of men where women are entangled by old supposals and offers. However, inequality is only pinpointed with a few lines.Theres the omission of percentage point of the inequality she mentions, as well as the omission of detail in her descriptions of her situation. Further theres the omission of Mr. Lovelaces emotions although he is the one that offers and s uggestions. Later, she reanalyzes her own background, where she uses the alliteration drawn and impelled that presents a sense of entrapment and powerlessness. Her emotions are shown through her heart, that condemns the mere lover-like correspondence. The sense of entrapment is further shown by the idea of things that crowds on her, where she could not break it off.The paradox between her being crowded by the idea of things and her being alone also strengthen the sense of entrapment. The demanding of advice from her sister suggests her alones and that she has to confide to someone not reinforcement there to seek her help. She sees love as entanglement, as she condemns the lover-like correspondence. The correspondence had caused the unhappy situation, more and more entangled. She not only dislikes Mr. Lovelace, but also Mr. Solmes, as she mentions that she wants break off the marriage. Shes eager to escape the entanglement and seeks to be free, shown by her wishing to put an end to it.This is supported by the desperate tone she has, as she points clearly to her suffering by obvious words such as unhappy. Her tone is also pessimistic, as she uses words such as extricate, which has a negative meaning. My personal response is that her entanglement is very difficult to resolve since shes going to marry soon. If she breaks off the marriage, it would cause Mr. Solmes to misunderstand her that she accepts his improper suggestions. Her problem is tragical and inevitable to avoid. For that, I feel sorry for her.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Development and Potential of China in the Global Market
The Chinese deliverance has been showing fast growth in the g nonpareil decade and there seems to be a potential for strong growth into the foreseeable future. mainland China has underg ane a great transformation from a nation that was one of the humannesss greatest opponents of worldwideization into a committed advocate of globalization. The transformation set in after 1978, when Deng Xiaoping and other leaders began to focus on market-oriented economic development. The Chinese economy is today far more open than Japan and this has been made possible largely due to adoption of the rule of law, of committal to competition, of widespread use of English, of foreign education, and of legion(predicate) foreign laws and institutions (Overholt, 2006).With respect to liberalization and globalization, China has effectively become an ally of U.S. and Southeast Asian, supporting freer trade in and coronation than is acceptable to Japan, India and Brazil. Global marketing is becoming more and more important along the eld with the increasing trend in internationalization. In the early mid- octetteies it dismantled collective farming and allowed semiprivate enterprise again.Now it is one of the worlds top exporters and is attracting record amounts of foreign investment. However, Chinas transformation is not matched by political change. Having gained admission to the population Trade Organisation, China is benefiting from increased access to foreign markets, but in return it is under an obligation to expose itself to competition from abroad. Relations with trading weakenners choose been strained over Chinas huge trade surplus and the piracy of goods (BBC, 2006).Chinas large and rapidly growing market has attracted large volumes of FDI in modern years (US$54 meg in 2004) as transnational corporations have invested heavily in order to benefit from the countrys emerging middle discipline and its senior high schooler purchasing power (GlobalEdge, 2006). Howeve r, there are some hurdles to be crossed if China is to develop to its full potential in the global market. According to Zhang Lichuan, a Director with the Statistical Department of General Administration of Customs of China, there are four study obstacles to Chinese foreign trade (Peoples Daily Online, 2006) China should deal with pressure from international markets that are gradually becoming saturated. The cost of Chinese exports is increasing, partly because of the higher cost of hollow and environmental protection. Increasing international trade protection has caused China to stumble into difficult territory. In fact, China has been involved in the worlds largest bod of anti-dumping cases in recent years. The trade imbalance between China and other countries is getting worse. As the Renminbi appreciates, Chinese enterprises go away face greater exchange attempts in import-export trade. Increasing pressures from the appreciating Renminbi will create new requirements and chal lenges for Chinese enterprises engaged in import-export trade.Analysis of the countrys global competitivenessAccording to the CIA World Fact Book, Chinas economy grew at an average rate of 10% per year during the period 1990-2004, the highest growth rate in the world. Chinas gross domestic product (GDP) grew 10.0% in 2003, and even faster, 10.1%, in 2004, and 9.9% in 2005 despite attempts by the government to cool the economy. Chinas total trade in 2005 surpassed $1.4 trillion, do China the worlds third-largest trading nation after the U.S. and Germany (CIA Factbook, 2005).Export-Import figures Chinas merchandise exports totaled $762.3 billion and imports totaled $660.2 billion in 2004. Its global trade surplus surged from $32 billion in 2004 to $102 billion in 2005. Chinas primary trading partners admit Japan, the EU, the United States, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. According to U.S. statistics, China had a trade surplus with the U.S. of $201.6 billion in 2005 (CIA Factbook , 2005).China and WTO China has taken important steps to open its foreign trading system and integrate itself into the world trading system. In November 1991, China joined the Asia-Pacific stinting Cooperation (APEC) group, which promotes free trade and cooperation in the economic, trade, investment, and technology spheres. China formally joined the WTO in December 2001. As part of this far-reaching trade liberalization agreement, China concord to lower tariffs and abolish market impediments (NTE Report, 2005). By 2005, average tariff rates on key U.S. agricultural exports dropped from 31% to 14% and on industrial products from 25% to 9%.The agreement also opens up new opportunities for U.S. providers of services like banking, insurance, and telecommunications. China has made significant progress implementing its WTO commitments, but serious concerns remain, particularly in the realm of intellectual property rights protection. China is now one of the most important markets for U.S . exports in 2005, U.S. exports to China totaled $41.8 billion. U.S. agricultural exports have increased dramatically, fashioning China the fourth-largest agricultural export market (after Canada, Japan, and Mexico). Over the same period (2001-1005), U.S. imports from China have risen from $102 billion to $243.5 billion.Export growth continues to be a major driver of Chinas rapid economic growth. To increase exports, China has pursued policies such as fostering the rapid development of foreign-invested factories, which assemble imported components into consumer goods for export, and liberalizing trading rights. In its eleventh Five-Year Program, adopted in 2005, China placed greater emphasis on developing a consumer demand-driven economy to sustain economic growth and palm global imbalances. The April 11, 2006 U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) has produced agreements on key U.S. trade concerns ranging from market access to U.S. beef, medical devices, and tel ecommunications to the enforcement of intellectual property rights, including, significantly, bundle (CIA Factbook, 2006).Foreign Investment Since the early 1990s, China has allowed foreign investors to manufacture and sell a wide range of goods on the domestic market, and authorized the establishment of wholly foreign-owned enterprises, now the preferred form of FDI. China is now one of the leading recipients of FDI in the world, receiving $60 billion in 2005, for a cumulative total of $623.8 billion. As part of its WTO accession, China has undertaken to eliminate certain trade-related investment measures and to open up specified sectors that had previously been closed to foreign investment. Major remaining barriers to foreign investment include opaque and inconsistently enforced laws and regulations and the lack of a rules-based legal infrastructure. Foreign exchange reserves were $819 billion at the end of 2005, and have now surpassed those of Japan, making Chinas foreign exchan ge reserves the largest in the world (NTE Report, 2005).Competitive AdvantageA study by GlobalEdgeTM titled, Market Potential Indicators for Emerging Markets 2005, studies the market potential of 24 countries identified as Emerging Markets by The Economist. The Emerging Economies are countries that have very high growth rates which means bulky market potential. They can be distinguished by the recent progress they have made in economic liberalization. These countries are characterized by their increasing read for capital equipment, machinery, power transmission equipment, transportation equipment and high-technology products. An indexing study is made by MSU-CIBER to help the companies compare the Emerging Markets with each other on eight dimensions (Lopez-Claros et al, 2006)Market Size With regard to market size, China stands first with India and Russia in the second and third places respectively.Market growth rate, China is third after Venezuela and Malaysia.Market Intensity Ch ina is ranked last among all other emerging economies.Market consumption capa city China is 12thCommercial infrastructure China is 14th.Economic freedom China ranks 24th.Market receptivity China is 12thCountry risk China is 11thOverall market potential index China is third after Hong Kong and Singapore.Asia Change in percentage of Annual disposable income 1999-2004 (WEF, 2006)China 59.2Hong Kong, China 3.3India 35.4Indonesia 57.1Japan 3.5Malaysia 43.6Philippines 8.2Singapore 37.8South Korea 46.8 Taiwan 15.3Thailand 26.8Vietnam 36.2(Source Euromonitor planetary from national statistics)The above table shows that of all competing economies in the global market, China has shown the greatest growth within the period 199-2004.Since 2001, the World Economic Forum has been utilize the Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) developed by Jeffrey Sachs and John McArthur. According to the GCI Index in The Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007 Country Highlights, Chinas ranking has fallen from 48 to 54 in the overall competitive ranking Consistent with the cautious macroeconomic management of its authorities and extremely high GDP growth rates, the macro economy pillar of the GCI shows a very high rank, 6th overall in the world.This reflects Chinas low inflation, one of the highest savings rates in the world, and manageable levels of public debt. Chinas ranks in the GCI indicators regarding penetration rates for the latest technologies are actually falling behind. tributary and tertiary school enrollment rates are better than they are in India, but still low by international standards. A number of indicators which capture the sophistication of the business community also show lower ranks in 2006 than last year.By far the most worrisome development is a label drop in the quality of the institutional environment, as shown by the sharp drop in ranks from 60 to 80 in 2006 in the institutions pillar of the GCI, with abject results across all 15 indicators, and involving bot h public and private institutions (Lopez-Claros, 2006).ConclusionChina has made a dramatic entry into the top position of the worlds economic stage. Chinas robust economic performance can be seen as an inspiration for other developing countries. Within two years after its diachronic entry into the WTO, China is the worlds fourth largest trading nation after the United States, the European Union and Japan. However, it must be remembered that China is not only a major exporter but also a major importer, and its modernisation programme and export industries have required, and will continue to require, billions of dollars worth of equipment and raw materials.During the first nightclub months of 2003, Chinas exports rose by 32 percent while its imports surged ahead by 41 percent. Chinas performance shows that developing countries can and do benefit from economic receptivity and integration. The reduction of tariffs has increased competition in the domestic market with the arrival of n ew suppliers. This has led to lower prices and larger choice for consumers, and has lowered the prices of essential inputs for many industries, thereby enhancing their competitiveness. In the first two decades of reform, the number of absolute poor in China dropped by about 200 million.Per capita income has grown by sixfold, and farmers and city dwellers are able to live an enhanced lifestyle. However, to realize its goal of doubling its GDP by 2010, China will have to face up to a number of important challenges. As the Chinese economy shifts from being a rural economy to an urban one, the main challenge for the economy will be to create enough jobs in the industrial and services sector to absorb the surplus labor from agriculture, which generates 17 percent of Chinas GDP and 50 percent of employment. Next, the benefits of rapid development should be spread out to avoid a widening of income differences between rural and urban areas.To reach its full potential, growth in the private sector has to be matched by an equal development of a durable market-oriented legal framework. China has managed to handle these profound structural changes while ensuring that it sustains a stable social environment. China needs the opportunity of market access and the legal guarantee of consistent and non-discriminatory trade rules that are offered by the WTO. As a fully fledged member of WTO, China should use its position to realize the objectives set out in the Doha Development Agenda.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Marketing Communication and Branding Essay
IntroductionAfter cargonful mart research of some of the different think markets in todays industry the market that was the most interest to the writer was the deadening phone market. Of every the brisk phones researched, none were found to move over braille included only speaking activated commands designed to send text messages as rise up as calling. The idea the writer proposes is a phone for the visually impaired which has a sole purpose for calling people. The keys will be fitted with Braille so that the individuals argon able to effectively feel what number they argon pressing.SOSTAC Situation AnalysisUpon research it was found the size of the disability phone market is small in comparison to others, such as android where on that point are thousands of brands available. Around 360,000 people are registered blind or partially sighted in the UK (Action for Blind People, 2011), showing that, with the assumption that everyone involve a mobile phone in todays society, the key segments that this brand will relate to are the 360,000 potential customers within the visual impairment mobile phone market. The key competing brands include Doro, an established competitor who supply a range of mobile phones for the disabled. They supply too many online retailers, ranging from handheld mobile phone to internal landlines. Alternatively, Amplicom is another competitor who develops mobiles with large buttons, aimed at the visually impaired market. These competitors will be the toughest to compete with due to their experience and current market share a large investment and money will be needed to make sure that the proposed brand give the axe gain a decent amount of market share.Porters five forces is an confiscate model which can be related to overcome such competition, due to its ability to evaluate entry barriers, suppliers, customers, substitute(a) products and industry rivalry (Freitag, 2005). Furthermore Porters five forces can determine what the curre nt market is for the brand, as well as the outlining any real competitors positions in relation to the maturation product. Moreover, it can also show how a firms s get hold ofholders can influence the company with the employ of bargaining power (Chee and Harris, 1998). Thisinformation would be vital to obtain prior to the drive of the brand to reduce the chance of product failure. The macro-environmental factors will be utilise to the brand through PEST analysis Political, Economical, Situational and Technological. Political factors which relate fitly to the disability mobile phone market include the strict laws on the disposition of production materials such as batteries and any forms of radioactive waste, as well as any compulsory health and safety procedures during the production and contribution of the developing products.Breaking these rules could result in heavy penalties including fines and even the termination of the company in severe cases. Suitable economic factors include the assessment of the current wretched financial climate. This forgos to the assumption that it is currently not attractive to place investments as money is generally tight for most, reducing the overall customer base for the developing product. Example solutions for this could include enticing consumers with bargain phone worths or even reduced fixed monthly contract payments which will include a competent amount of minutes for the target segment. Furthermore by offering all deals at lower end prices will befittingly fit the market, as thither can be a general assumption that those who are visually impaired may also fit well within the retirement market, a segment that generally has less money spare.Regarding social factors the main issue ingested is ethics relating to how products are developed and distributed, in addition to advertising techniques used to foster promote the brand. Equal opportunities and fair working conditions should be issued to all employees inv olved in the development and promotion of the brand so that the product can demo diversity relating appropriately to the disabled mobile phone market. Advertisements should be honest and not have any misleading content to confuse any consumers and all information promoted will be fully implemented into the design of the mobile phone. Technological factors are by large the most relevant and important to consider within mobile phone industries.Due to the constant development of engineering science within the actual mobile phones, it is an competitive industry to be involved in. heretofore within the disability phone market the look of the phone is a lesser important factor during purchasing it is what the phone provides to the consumer to aid their special needs when contacting someone. Simple, up-to-date software is petitiond so that all relevantfeatures are implemented, in addition to having an appropriately sized screen with higher contrast settings so that the visually impaire d are able to read clearer. Large number buttons are essential so the Braille fits comfortably and the user is able to direct what number they want to press with ease.ObjectivesHere are three accusatorys that are going to be set for the modernistic developing brand * Increase cognisance of the service in disabled people by 50% within 6 months * In three social classs time production costs should be reduced by 10% * In the next two years taxation should be approximately 7 million These objectives act as capable targets and in turn will motivate staff and drive productively due to the time scaled that these objectives must be achieved. The chosen objectives all appropriately relate to the current disability phone market and the specific areas that could be make betterd, such as increasing the awareness of service for people with special needs. This could so encourage other companies to develop other suitable day-to-day products to suit their needs also, which could andmore p romote the idea of developing a whole unseasoned organisation specially aimed at designing products to aid people with special needs.StrategyThe push/ tow scheme involves creating demand from two aspects push strategy involves the demand being created by the manufacturers distributers, and pull relates to the manufacturer creating demand via their own promotion techniques (Frazier and Summers, 2011). The brand will follow a pull strategy because it is envisioned that demand will be created through advertising and an effective, unique selling point. This is good because through a push strategy, it is sometimes required to distribute a higher volume of goods, which is better related to a mobile phone industry with a larger audience, un alike the niche, disabled market.another(prenominal) win of this is that because the developing brand is unheard of an unproven preventing stock piling of products if they are not sold, saving money. Although, a pull strategy will require a large inv estment for advertising, it is estimated that the cost of production and potential stock piling outweighs this in fiscal terms. Relating to the objectives, the pull strategy will aidthe attainment of said targets with the use of an advertising campaign, creating the demand that will create supply to the blind market.To engage the consumers, advertising campaigns will hosted at specific events which relate to the disability market, such as the Cambridge Disability Sport and Arts festival. By doing this it will allow the promotion of the developing product to be recognised and compulsoryly authoritative by the disabled. This will allow potential consumers to try out the mobile phone and leave feedback regarding their thoughts and opinions.The Paralympics 2012 is taking place in London, an excellent occasion which can be related to individuals with special needs. It is a global event which promotes diversity of all sorts within the sponsoring organisations and sport activities which can be related to the promotion of the brands developing product and encourage consumers to try it out to see if it can suit their needs. Combined, by implementing such advertising campaigns during the Paralympics and obtaining a respected and relatable fame sponsor can help achieve the completion of the increasing awareness objective. Additionally, after appropriate research, selling the phone at a competitive price will create demand and furthermore help achieve the 7 million revenue objective.To achieve the reduced in production costs objective, softwood production will need to take place, which will effectively lower production costs, or even investing in a modernistic technology to produce more units at a cheaper rate, over a period of time, may even reduce costs by 10%.TacticsExpanding further within the advertising campaigns aimed to help achieve the awareness and revenue objectives, this will include visual posters on noticeable areas of everyday life such as telephone b oxes, buses, taxis and even billboards. To carry out ethical diversity promotions, the advertisements will also be located within care centres for the visually impaired, as well as any social and youth clubs to increase awareness. Radio adverts will also take place as it is fair to assume that a gigantic diversity range of people listen to the radio, allowing the promotion of thedeveloping product to all audiences.Any user feedback from testing the developing product will be noted down and kept for future improvement, allowing management to raise questions on how to improve the brand and image it represents to consumers. By doing so will potentially improve the awareness of the disability market as well as increasing the possibility of generating revenue due to the improvement of the product to suit the special needs. ade Adepitan, a wheelchair basketball sportsman and TV presenter can be a suitable celebrity endorsement to help promote the product as he is someone the key segment can truly relate to will help achieve awareness and furthermore create a positive brand reputation which will create demand and therefore revenue and profits.Issuing the mobile phone with a competitive price of 60 is suitably competitive and will create demand helping to achieve the 7 million revenue objective if 116,666 units are sold within the 2 year time scale. Promoting this product in the UK only can help assess if the product is largely successful to its key segment, and after the 2 year objective is attained, further action can take place to help make the product go global. Lower production costs will occur if an appropriate manufacturer is found who follows all ethical procedures the brand wants to promote, in addition to supplying the company with great production unit price rates so that the most possible revenue and profits can be generated.Furthermore, a green policy, known as a policy to help lead greener lives, can promote the brand to be extremely sufficient with its production, enticing customers and portraying the brand image to be ethical and fair. Nevertheless green policies are very expensive, which would mean that either a generous sponsor would have to be applied for, or even a loan would have to take place to implement such activities.ActionFirstly, finance will have the overall responsibility of distributing budgets to all departments so that the entire production and launch of the new brand is successful. Once all budgets have been issued the marketing department will be able to effectively form a plan on when the launch will take place and what is proposed to take place during the entire duration. Within the marketing department a market research team will be organised so aninvestigation of production methods and price rates of manufacturers is performed, as well as making sure all ethical procedures the brand would like to follow are implemented. Relevant findings will be informed to the finance department to see if there are enough budgets to apply any new changes.All tasks taking place for the launch will be managed by a team leader essential for the success of team member intercourse and task success. This will then be approved by a main, overall manager of the entire launch, so all task deadlines are met and workloads are of a high standard to boost the quality of the promotion. A time management tool named a Gantt chart will be implemented so all tasks are clearly shown, along with their time deadlines to help guide leaders and encourage team members to strive to complete a task to benefit the brands launch. This will be combined with a critical path analysis, where all shortest possible times in which tasks can be realized are shown to avoid delaying the entire launch. Example Critical Path Analysis, Source http//tutor2u.netExample Gantt chart,Source things will effectively measure the ontogeny of awareness and gather an accurate estimate. Firstly the sales records will be analysed. A growth in sales indicates the rise of awareness and any initial sales from year one indicate consumers knowledge of the product. A questionnaire will also be released to specific geographical locations and the results will give an reading as to how many people and how far spread the awareness of the branch has reached. An appropriate measure to identify whether or not the production costs have been reduced would be to look at energy bills to see if the change in production equipment or manufacturers has been an effective adjustment.To determine whether or not revenue will reach 7 million pounds can be monitored by customer loyalty and re-purchasing. A high customer re-purchase rate is a soaked indicator that the brand is respected and trusted with their products and service.ReferencesAction for Blind People, (2011), Facts and figures about issues around sight loss, online available at http// -issues-around-sight-loss/ accessed 05/05/2012Chee, H. and Harris, R., (1998), Global marketing strategy, London monetary Times Pitman Publishing. Frazier, G. L. and Summer, J. O., (2011), Contemporary Views on Marketing Practice, e-book Marketing Classics Press. Available at Google Books http// accessed 24/04/2012 Freitag, N., (2005), Critical The Impact of Culture on International Marketing Plans and Review of the French Wine Industry, Munich grinning Publishing, 1(1), p.15.GanttCharts, (2012), image online available at accessed 04/05/2012Tutor2u, (2012), image online available at accessed 01/05/2012BibliographyDoro, (2011), online available at http// accessed 25/04/2012 Matobmobile, (2010), online available at http// y_mobile_phones accessed 25/04/2012 Scribd, (2012), Pest Analysis, online available at http// accessed 21/04/2012
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Safety and Health
Title HSC 027 Contri only whene to wellness and safety in health and social care Level 2 Credit value 4 Learning outcomes judicial decision criteria The learner will The learner can 1. sympathise own responsibilities, and the 1. 1 separate legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social responsibilities of others, relating to health and care die setting safety in the create setting 1. 2 Describe the briny points of the health and safety policies and procedures concur with the employer 1. Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of self the employer or manager others in the work setting 1. 4 key out tasks relating to health and safety that should non be carried out without special training 1. Explain how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety 2. Understand the occasion of run a risk assessments in 2. 1 Explain why it is important to assess health and safety hazards posed by the work relation to health and safety setting or by particular activities 2. 2 Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified 2. Explain how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns 3. Understand procedures for responding to 3. 1 Describe different types of accidents and accidents and sudden nausea sudden illness that may occur in own work setting 3. 2 Outline the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur 4.Be equal to(p) to reduce the spread of infection Demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing Demonstrate ways to ensure that own health and hygiene do not pose a risk to others at work 5. Be able to move and handle equipment and otherIdentify legislation that relates to moving and handling objects safely Explain principles for moving and handling equipment and other objects safely Move and handle equip ment or other objects safely 6.Know how to handle hazardous substances and Identify hazardous substances and materials that may be found in the work setting materials Describe safe practices for Storing hazardous substances Using hazardous substances Disposing of hazardous substances and materials 7.Understand how to promote fire safety in the Describe practices that prevent fires from work setting starting spreading Outline emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting Explain the importance of maintaining clear evacuation routes at all times 8. Be able to implement security measures in the Use agreed ways of running(a) for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to work setting Premises Information 8. Implement measures to protect own security and the security of others in the work setting 8. 3 Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts 9. Know how to manage ow n stress Identify common signs and indicators of stress Identify circumstances that tend to trigger own stress Describe ways to manage own stress Additional information about the unit NOS reviewer HSC 22 HSC 221 HSC 223 Content recurs throughout HSC NOS knowledge requirements Unit purpose and aims This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to carry out their work safely. Assessment requirements or guidance This unit must be assessed in accordance with Skills for Care and Development QCF Assessment Principles. LO 4, 5, and 8 must be assessed in a real work environment Additional Information Others may include Team members Other colleagues Those who use or commission their own health or social care services Families, carers and advocates Work setting may include one specific hole or a range of locations, depending on the context of a particular wo rk role Policies and procedures may include other agreed ways of working as well as formal policies and procedures Tasks that the learner should not carry out without special training may include those relating to Use of equipment First serve Medication Health care procedures Food handling and preparation Stress can have positive as well as negative effects, but in this unit the word is used to refer to negative stress
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The New Deal was not a complete Success
In the subsequent pages I will explain the failures and successes of the new supervise. I will turn in how statistics do not show the true accomplishment of the wise behave. I will look at the criticisms Roosevelt faced and how he had come to power when the States was on her extend leg. When Franklin D. Roosevelt came to power in March 1933 he had the States dazzled by his magnetic personality and fascinate charisma. He embraced America and held it closely to his heart. He loved it and could see that Herbert pip cleans reign over America had destroyed her. His newly recognise was a fresh and arouse way of repairing the once great America.His popularity was undeniable and showed the support he was communicateting for the sunrise(prenominal) smokestack among the Americans. He gave assurance and hope to those who lived in Hoovervilles to those who queued up for Hoover Stew. These nicknames were tending(p) to the food hand verbotens and shanty towns to demonstrate what Ho over had done to them. Roosevelts aims were simple and tackled tot solelyy that was wrong with America Get the unemployed anchor to hunt down, protect their savings and property, provide aid for the sick, old and unemployed, get the industry and agriculture back to its norm and finally restore confidence in the relys.He set up numerous Alphabet Agencies and passed many doings to try and conquer the evil that was Hoovers pandemonium. First of all I shall explain the successes. Roosevelt closingped the depression getting any worse. When he came to power in 1933 America had a much greater confidence in her economy. His own poise supported development in Wall Street. The GDP increase by sixty portion between 1933 and 1939, in six years private investment in industry increased by five propagation and consumer products bought increased by forty percent. People queuing up for food a was just another image of the past.Millions of mass got relief, food, clothes and shelter, and it was this emergency relief that prevented them from starving. many ordinary people were helped with presidential term social security and welfare schemes. This wasnt just for emergency either, it continued in the future. The or so affected by the depression were farmers and Roosevelt do sure they were looked after in the New buy. By the mid 1930s farmers incomes were rising, especially those with larger farms. Farmers definitely benefited. The New Deal assisted in let farmers and home owners to stay in their homes.The HOLC was set up and low interest loans were given to home owners. This helped them to cope with mortgage repayments, that were previously out of control, when out of employment. For farmers they were given help through the Farm Credit Administration. For the old, sick and unemployed they had no security, financially or socially. In 1935 the kind Security Act set up a system of national insurance. The elderly were given old age pensions, the unemployed had benefits and the handicapped had financial support. The disposal, employers and workers paid contri hardlyions that funded it.The unemployed were a priority so the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) gave grants to state and local presidencys to stabilise the jobless. The projects the New Deal provided helped to build the foundations for future affluence. The schools, roads, dams and many more buildings rekindled America. The Public kit and boodle Administration (PWA) constructed many public buildings of the USA such(prenominal) as hospitals and city halls. The Dustbowl regions were sincerely affected by the depression and over-farming had led to the ruin of the world and serious lack of interest from business.But the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) restored the vale in seven states. It built several major dams to generate cheap electricity for those 90 eight percent who hadnt got it. It in addition offered leisure activities on recently built lakes. The Tennessee river d eveloped into being navigable and brought great business interest to the valley. The land was light so the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) carry throughd useful schemes like strengthening river banks, fighting forest fires and combating malaria by controlling the mosquitoes.Mainly to help the land though they planted approximately devil hundred million trees, which significantly reduced land erosion and supplied the crops with shelter belts. Not only did it help the surround unless the members benefited. For the three million men under twenty five, who were members of the CCC, it gave them a first involvement in work. Hoovers laissez-faire attitude had made people get used to the fact that federal government had no concern for singular states. But the TVA changed the relationship that was ack directledged by America.State and federal government now were a lot closer and in some cases federal government cut through the powers of state governments. The weaker sections of Americ an nightspot needed central government to get them out of despair. The homeless, old and poor were most desperate and state government couldnt give all the help that was required. The Tennessee Valley was in such a dire condition that one state could not deal with all the difficulties that the valley was suffering with and the seven states were finding it problematic to liaise with each other. then the TVA was made and did in some instances cut through the powers of the state governments. However it did help the area substantially electricity and irrigation was provided through the building of the dams in sum to employment. Finally, and most importantly, it gave much appreciated and needed hope to America at her nadir and, in some intuitive feelings, rescue American democracy. The 1930s were looking gruesome at the end of the twenties merely Roosevelt came in as a superhero, to save those who were despondent and long suffering.Those, once omitted by the depression and unfair politics, black-market people and farmers, were now involved. Why certain people supported the New deal is apparent but others are uncertain. Farmers and white unemployed people evidently takeed to support the New Deal because they would prosper from the policies. They gained financial support and the economy boosted meaning that the Roaring Twenties looked achievable once again. But what really stumps many historians is why so many black people supported Roosevelt and voted democratic (the largest number of black people to vote democratic since the American Civil contend of 1861-65).Many of the New Deal agencies and acts discriminated against black people, even resulting in the NRA being commonly renamed the Negro Removal Agency as they were pushed out when takes of wage were regulated. Roosevelt did not put on actions to get black people equal rights for fear of losing his majority of voters, white southerners. However he did sign an anti-lynching bill. Directly the preside nt showed little concern for them but on the contrary did have people who worked for him that did care and even employed some black people. Even his wife Eleanor showed her care for their welfare.Overall the New Deal generally reduced employment from 1933 to 1937 (1933 fifteen million unemployed, 1937 under eight and a half million unemployed) and millions of jobs were created. Despite his critics few turned to extremism in the orchestrate of communism or fascism unlike his European counterparts. Nonetheless the New Deal did have some failures and its own opposition. One of the problems was not with the New Deal but in fact Roosevelt himself, in that he was paradoxicaland kept changing what he wanted to do. The laws he set were changed so quickly that the American people didnt experience where they stood.Some felt that he was dictator like and had too much control. Because of this his critics spoke out more confidently and made some reconsider their opinion of him. The Supreme Court was wholly against the New Deal and declared some acts like the PWA and AAA as unlawful. This caused parts of the New Deal to be overruled by Congress. Another problem was that big businesses still continued to be almighty and emasculated Roosevelts policies. Hoovers laissez-faire attitude was appreciated by employers and because of this many begrudged the New Deal.They didnt want government prying into business and economy and as a result larger companies hired thugs to assault union leaders and terrorize workers on drive for better working conditions and increased pay. In 1937 ten demonstrators were shot dead by police and ninety wounded during a steelworkers strike in Chicago. This discouraged employees to ask for pay and was potentially a threat to the economy. The New Deal helped the poor, sick and unemployed financially. But the very poorest were left out in the cold.The Social Security Act came to power to help monetarily but it excluded twenty percent of the workfor ce as well as five million farm workers and domestics in anguish. There was no source for state-paid medical care. In 1941 the poorest twenty percent were earning only four percent of the national income while the richest twenty percent were lend forty nine percent to it. There were many poor people who could barely afford food at the price it was but when the AAA helped nurture prices to increase farmers salaries this caused an even bigger problem for the millions of jobless Americans.Farmers with big farms profited from the New Deal but the small time farmers felt it hindered them along with farm labourers and sharecroppers, who were mainly black. These sufferers tended to live in rural America where meagreness was rife, specifically southern America. An enduring drought in 1934-5 hit these already destitute states and turned the soil to dust. There was no rain and desert was spreading like wild fire. Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado were known as Dustbowl. The Okies set off to find work in California but instead experienced adversity.Another huge group who suffered at the hands of the New Deal were black people. There was attempts in the New Deal to tackle their civil rights but they did not go far enough. Unfortunately Roosevelt put his ego first and knew that by giving black people rights he would lose his support from the southern democratic who were deadly against giving black people equality. The emergency relief was essential for the thirty percent of black people who depended on it but in that respect was no specific laws to combat their own distress from the depression.The 1920s were the high point of American memorial and industry. Everyone was confident and had no worries. Spending was high and investment was soaring. But when the crash hit everyone became disheartened. The Americans put up with Hoovers pathetic excuse for a presidency and there seemed to be no future. When Roosevelt came there was hope again that the Roaring Twenties woul d be resurrected but America was far from it. Despite Roosevelts best efforts by 1937 Americans were only pass and investing about seventy five percent of what they had in 1929.The most considerable and, in my opinion, the most reputation ruining encumbrance of the New Deal was that unemployment remained high for a majority of Roosevelts years as President. Up to 1937 the figures were decreasing from a 1933 figure of fifteen million to eight million, three hundred universal gravitational constant in 1937. But because of the rising national debt of two hundred and fifty million dollars (big compared to the Hoover debt of nineteen billion dollars) Roosevelt had to cut back on government spending.This was calamitous and accordingly the economy plunged. Unemployment rose to ten and a half million as a direct result of industrial production fall by a third. By 1938 Roosevelt saw his faux pas and increased government spending in the hope to recover from this fiasco but by 1940 the 1937 level was still not met. Agencies like the CCC and PWA were labelled as forced labour because of the low pay and creating work for the sake of it. The government money funded all this so in effect by lowering the money pass by government you stopped all the jobs.Others critics said that yes America gained from the schools, hospitals and taphouses courtesy of the PWA and WPA but it was pointless work created to make Roosevelt look good. The New Deal was viciously attacked by economists who complained that the New Deal policies were short term affairs and the future of America was still dubious. They believed that those who counted on the New Deal were being conned as all the evidence clearly showed that in the near future their jobs would be gone. Also the government could reduce unemployment but could never stop it fully.They endeavoured to contain it but it was not enough. William Leuchtenburg thought that World War two got America out of the depression. Finally the last failure was that the cost was too great and a lot was wasted. For the WPA millions of dollars were spent on wages and money was given out like sweets. There was all the loans to banks, money for farmers, money to soup kitchens for necessities like blankets. All of this was seen as vital but some felt that money was being literally thrown apart because Roosevelt couldnt hope to spend the real amount needed on solving unemployment.The rich and Republicans were bitter because of the taxes increasing. They felt that government should maintain a laissez faire attitude and stop controlling their traditional freedoms. They had liked Hoovers way of thinking. They liked his idea that people should be individually strong, help themselves and that the wealthy should be left alone to make money and not reprimanded for it. Their opinion differed greatly from the average American and so Roosevelt could not oblige everyone. These rich republicans tried to say that Roosevelt, the saviour of America, was setting up a dictatorship.Their evidence was when in 1936 he had tried to fill the Supreme Court with his loyal democrats so that his policies and ideas would not be overruled. They also said he had socialist ideas as all his policies were aimed at working class, the unemployed and the poor. My opinion is this. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a great man who defended those who were in inexplicable poverty. At some points he did change his mind but I think that he thought he didnt need a plan b or something to resort to.When he set up the New Deal agencies and acts he thought he could appeal to America as someone who takes action. When some acts were declared unlawful I think he was shocked. After the depression everybody was like zombies, dead to their surroundings because there was no one to help. Yet here is someone who is trying to help and he is criticised and made out to be a dictator. Personally I find this shameful. Repairing the broken situation was the clear way forward. But Herb ert Hoover had chosen to leave America to lick her own wounds and only took action when it was too late.Hoover had given big businesses the foot up they needed and they were more powerful that the government itself. Roosevelt cannot be blamed for larger companies power. Money equalled power and the wealthy were always going to come out on top. He set up all these acts and agencies and successfully saved many farmers from inevitable mountains of debt and stopped starvation for millions. There were some who were left out of this but these were the people that every society has, even today. They are the ones who are destined to fail, never seize an opportunity and lack a killer instinct.There is no desire to get out of their situation and therefore Roosevelt could not help these people. Black people did suffer and those who lived in rural areas and Roosevelt did neglect the rights of black people but he did show his support in subtle mannerisms. For instance his wife cared deeply for their wellbeing, he employed black people to work on major projects like bloody shame McLeod Bethune who was in charge of the National Youth Administration and he also signed an anti-lynching bill. If he was to declare his undying support for them he would be outcast himself and lose his voters.He did put his own self-importance above them but Hoover did far worse and Roosevelt had done so much good he could be forgiven for being restrained in his approach to black people. To help the rural areas he greatly increased business through the TVA and dams. His ideas were fresh and the valley took advantage of the waterways. Unemployment was the biggest issue but there is an explanation. Using the 1928 figures as a comparison Roosevelt didnt get the figures back but after such a utile economical peak and then an immense misfortune it would be absurd to expect him to get them back, in fact impossible.But the main issue I have is that the critics were usually the people who were not affec ted by the crash. The wealthy had a small dent in their bank accounts and nothing that couldnt be obdurate with some expensive wine and caviar. The Americans that really suffered valued his unexplainable care for them. He himself was from a wealthy background and could easily have just disregard the poor and get on with helping himself to profits in big companies. But something was so charismatic that it was hard to hate someone who spoke such sense, such vision and concern.Care was like a swear word to Hoover who had no regard for his countrys opinion of him. I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made. Wise words from Roosevelt, and true. Wealthy economists disliked him because he cared. They wanted a laissez-faire, stone-hearted President who didnt give a damn. But Roosevelt took a underpin against the Republicans and thank God he did. Regarding the statement I agree to the extent that nothing can be perfect as things have to go back to the drawing board. But I think tha t considering the circumstances in which Roosevelt was handed America, he did extremely well.He completed his aims. Unemployment was its lowest since 1933 by 1940, with fluctuations obviously, property was saved thanks to low interest loans and savings were protected, industry and agriculture bounced back, pensions were provided for the old and benefits given to the unemployed and handicapped. Finally America was confident again. The great country America was back and the world was beckoning her to call out her glory once more. And so she did, with Roosevelt firmly behind her all the way.The New Deal was not a complete successDue to the Wall Street Crash in 1933 the New Deal was introduced. The New Deal helped the unemployment problem but did not solve it. The New Deal stopped things from getting any worse in the short term, however in the long term only World War two solved the unemployment crisis. Some historians believe that the New Deal was partly a success and partly a failure. In the opinion I think that the New Deal was a success.The New Deal had aimed to provide relief through the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), this aimed to provide direct cash to the needy. $ calciferol million has been given to states to help the starving and homeless people. The money was also used for employment schemes, nursing schools (so parents could go out during the day to find a job), soup kitchens, and blankets. The FERA was up to some point a success, for this aim many things had to be provided, if the government had stopped providing money this aim wouldnt be a success.The New Deal planned to re-build the economy by introducing the Emergency Banking Act, which aimed to solve the financial crisis after the Wall Street Crash. Every bank was closed for a four-day bank holiday and only honest, well-run banks with enough cash were allowed to re-open. The Securities Act forced companies giving out new shares to provide full information about the company to the public. The New Deal never solved the underlying economic problems and the US economy took longer to recover than most European countries. Confidence remained low. Throughout the 1930s Americans only spent and invested about 75% of what they had before 1929. When Roosevelt cut the New Deal budget in 1937, the country had gone back into recession.The Civil Works Administration (CWA) also helped relief. This aim provided temporary work for four million men, school, airport, roads and even 150000 public toilets. The Public Works Administration (PWA) was given funds of $3300 million. It was used to barter for materials and employ millions of skilled workers to build schools, housing, hospitals, bridges, courtrooms and dams. The PWA also built ten ships and 50 airports. But this solution was only short-term. The New Deal laws clearly dealt with the problem of poverty among black people and the poorest sector.The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) gave the government power to control the prices. The y paid farmers to produce less and destroy some of the food they had already produced. They hoped that food prices would rise because there were short supplies. The idea worked-between 1933 and 1939, farmers incomes doubled. However, the government was heavily criticized for this idea, the government was destroying food and forcing up prices to help farmers at a time when millions in the city were starving. The New Deal did a lot to help agriculture, however did have some problem it helped large firms the most and the problems of dustbowl continued.Projects such as the Tennessee valley authority (TVA) brought work and had improved peoples standard of living to deprived parts of the city. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was made to assure that all unemployed 18 to 25 year olds were given food and shelter in the countryside. They got paid 1 dollar a week they did conservation work-planted trees, dug canals, cleared footpaths and strengthen riverbanks against flooding. The Civil ian Conservation Corps provided jobs for 2.5 million men. But the New Deal was blamed for giving jobs out for the sake of it, in 1941 6 million people were still left unemployed. Only when the USA entered the war the unemployment problem was solved.The New Deal aimed to create a fairer society by using the National recuperation Administration (NRA), The NRA aimed to improve working conditions in the industry and strengthened the position of labour unions against industrial giants. The Wagner act forced all employers to allow trade unions to ladder in their companies. The New Deal saw women achieving prominent positions. Eleanor Roosevelt became an important campaigner.The Supreme Court thought that the New Deal did too much. They had to judge whether the New Deal was in line with the terms of the US Constitution. The settle in the court were conservative and did not like the way the New Deal allowed the government to get so involved in the economy. The judges found the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) unlawful. Roosevelt did not want the judges to dismantle the whole New Deal. AAfter he was re elected in 1936 he tried to change the judges so the court was pro New Deal. This did not work, but the court realized they could not change the New Deal.In conclusion I think that The New Deal was a success as the Federal Government got involved for the first time. As well as this acts such as the WPA and the CWA provided relief for the economy. The Banking Act and the Securities Act helped solve financial problems and the AAA helped agriculture. The NRA improved working conditions in industry and women became high achievers. However there were some failures the problem of dustbowl continued, unemployment did not go away, most New Deal laws were designed to help women rather than men and the New Deal had a lot of opposition. It was the war that finally solved the problem of unemployment.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
It truly waits as though the days of having full privacy is over with the coming of these revolutionary leaks by Edward S promptlyden. The government has many borderline unethical powers that are Justified by terrorism today. But with our current status of technology being iPhones and iPads with every last(predicate) of our emails and data being stored in the cloud, is it a shock to think that whatsoeverbody other than us could see it? Yes, Edward Snowden broke laws regarding disclosure of private government data and he should be punished for his actions, but couldnt we say the same about the governments use of our information?It seems that we take for granted our so-called privacy, but with this release of Snowdens it doesnt seem that we can have any privacy at all these days. My answer is yes, I do weigh that the government has stepped its bounds on spying on its own citizens. I understand that they do so for the sake of defend us from terrorism and that is great, thats what they are there for. My concern is that when spying becomes anything more than protecting the people, it crosses the line of being ethical and that is not right.As I stated earlier I think Snowden deserves some ort of sentence because he crossed the line on disclosure of documents to the public. That is the law and it should be obeyed, whether it is right or wrong he broke the rules. I havent changed my online habits to protect my information because I do believe its in like manner late, especially with the rise of social media. People now a day are so eager to put out information that in some cases should be kept to themselves on Facebook statuses and in emails. When it comes to my personal information I fear the government more than industry.We live in a time now that if something bad appens, whether it be a serious crime or attacks against our country, the government is able to access all the information about you ever on the internet. Do you remember everything you posted on Fa cebook or online? What if they find something taken completely out of context but use it against you in an indictment? I believe that the technology we have these days is amazing and we should keep innovating but Im Just worried that the soon all of our information, whether it be personal or professional go away be online and accessible by someone, somewhere at any time.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Meaning of life Essay
philosophical system is the development of ideas close knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of biography, etc a particular set of ideas about knowledge, truth, and meaning of life and a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live (Philosophy, 2014, para. 1). Philosophy scams a huge role in all of our lives. Studding of philosophy influences our lives in many moods and has many purposes. Philosophy has five dollar bill major branches metaphysis, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic. from from each one one of these branches plays a role with culture to develop positions in human beings by wondering, a dynamicprocess, the truth, and wisdom. Philosophy is an attempt to reason clearly and critically about all atomic number 18as of see to it science, religion, art, politics, and mortality (What is Philosophy, Para, 1). The purpose of philosophy is to try to understand and evaluate our most basics, beliefs, values, and to integrate them into a long view of each of us and the world around us (What is Philosophy, 2014).Studying philosophy is important because it continues to play an important role in shaping the future of all human existence, Philosophy enhances personal growth, lord opportunities, improves reading skill, critical thinking, communication, and economic aids in arguments by showing your philosophical knowledge (What is Philosophy, 2014). There are five major basic branches of philosophy. The branches are the metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic.The metaphysics branch is the study of existence. For example, a few questions one might look at them self would be PHILOSOPHY 3 what else is out thither, why I am here, and what is my purpose in life (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Epistemology branch is the study of knowledge.Individuals like to know as much as possible to help their selves understand what is going in life and around then. For example, a question one might drive their selves would be how I know about certain things. In philosophy, knowledge is looked at as genuine senses, and not just guesses. People that are epistemology rather use statements and questions in factual form, such as, dogs are mammals (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Ethic branch is the study of actions. This is the branch of philosophy that helps the decision making in what is right and what is reproach beliefs and values.An example of ethics is your conscious. On one side there is the devil telling you to do the defame thing, and the angel on the other side telling to do the right thing. Many ethical mountain try to avoid judgment, save have high moral beliefs in specific things. Ethics besides plays a role in religion and faith (Important of Philosophy, 2014). The Aesthetics branch (also known as politics) is the study of action. This is the branch that shoes what actions are permissible. An example, would be how politics work in the world. What laws should be made, and how they should come to be. governing are the ethics that are applied to people based off what they are told to do or believe (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Finally, the last branch of philosophy is logic or esthetics. This is the study of art. The main question is what dismiss life be like?This is the branch that allows mankind to see the world in an abstract demeanor. harmonise to Importance of Philosophy (2014) PHILOSOPHY 4 Esthetics is important because it delves into the reason why art has al authoritys existed, the burning need of mankind through the ages to see the world in a different, clear way itfurther evaluates art by the standards of human life, and whether it accomplishes the job of satisfying mans intellectual needs, or whether it tends to hurt or make worse those needs (Para. 3).Esthetics is bringing the emotion and idea together to make a decision (Important of Philosophy, 2014). Within all the branches there are arguments, these arguments helps in philosophy to take creative thin king and growth. We all have questions, and beliefs to the meaning of life, and we leave alone continue to argue trough ethnic, logic, politics, and beliefs.Each of the five basic philosophy groups have to face basic arguments, Thesearguments are twist of arguments, evaluating arguments, types of arguments, and inner fallacies (Chaffee, 2013). The structure of arguments includes reason, reason, and conclusion. Evaluating arguments include truth of reason, validity of structure, and soundness of argument. There are two types of arguments deductive conclusion follows inescapably from premises (reasons), and inductive conclusion supported by premises to some degree. Finally, there are informal fallacies, these are unsound arguments that appeal to emotion and prejudice (Chaffee, 2013).Philosophy and culture interact to develop thought because there are so many different beliefs in the word. Philosophy is love and wisdom, while in culture there is so much hate. The more we talk about our beliefs, and talk out the way we each feel it constrains creative thinking, and more open minds. For example, scientist see things one PHILOSOPHY 5 way, but when we are more philosophical it shows us that there are more than one answer to each question. Science believes in evolution, religions believe in god, while the rest of us are still exhausting to find the meaning of life.When it comes to me, I think ethics represents me the most. I believe in right and wrong, and I have faith. I believe that taking actions against wrong in the world is very important. In our culture, there is so much hate, and I am a very big advocate for equality. I involvement for equality for all humans, and I also fight for the rights of animals. Philosophy is the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature, and meaning of life (Philosophy, 2014, para. 1). There are five major basic groups, and there will always be questions to create creative thinking, and open minds.Philosophy hasbeen arou nd from the beginning of time, and will be around until the end of time. We will always want to know the meaning of life and why we exist. PHILOSOPHY 6 References Chaffee, J. (2013). The philosophers way Thinking Critically about Profound Ideas (1st Ed,). Pearson Education, INC. Importance of Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http//www. importanceofphilosophy. com/FiveBranchesMain. html Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http//www. merriam- webster. com/dictionary/philosophy What is Philosophy? (2014). Retrieved from http//www. etsu. edu/cas/philosophy/whatis. aspx.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Ethical principles contribute to good business operations
Businesses that practice good honest motive tend to succeed in the trading world. Not only is it the right thing to do it is overly proven to pay off in financial gains. To meet good ethics a business concern must be legal for starters. Businesses must conduct themselves with integrity, be honest, and fair. Businesses should manage relationships in an organizational and ethical manner as well. This on the wholeows employees to address problems with other employees and management without fear of retaliation.Management must effectively express with employees and not put pressure on them to act u realizehically. They should also have a zero margin for some(prenominal) kind of sexual harassment or discrimination in the work crop. in that location are factors that whitethorn seem touchy in practicing good business ethics such as giving gifts. This pile be perceived as bribes to some but innocent to others. To avoid any problems companies should have a policy set in place statin g what is acceptable and the value of the acceptable gift in detail. There are principles the make a business have respectable business ethics.Some of these principles include the avocation being trustful, keep open mind, meet obligations, have clear documents, stay involved in the community, halt bet control, and be respectful. Businesses should understand that consumers want to do business with a company that they trust. This built dominance and a growing client base. For continued growth the leaders of the cooperation should keep an open mind competitor new and improved ideas that help them growth. Honor all your commitments as a business try everything in your power to keep your customers happy.Make sure all that you advertise or promise is correct not falsely or incorrectly is delineated this leads to distrust so stay on top of what is actually represented by your company. Participating in community events or staying involved in local affairs shows you safeguard which cou ld bring in more business because customers might trust you even more. Finally, treating others with respect regardless of any differences goes a long instruction in practicing good business ethics. There is little difference amidst assistant and manufacturing business. Discuss I believe this is totally false according to the research that I have done on this topic. First, of all manufacturing businesses sell different than service businesses.Manufacturing businesses creates and sells a physical while a service business just sells a service. For example, Pepsi sells Pepsi products which are a physical product that comes from a manufacturing business. If a lawyer represents the Pepsi Company he is not selling any products but rather a service. Manufacturing and good businesses also reside in different locations. Manufacturing businesses need to be close to their customers either retail or distribution. Service businesses have more latitude. This depends on the service that is bei ng offered. Some service businesses are successfully ran out of homes or warehouses.In these cases most of the time the client never visits the business. Accounting is another way that these businesses are run differently. Manufacturing businesses have inventory to keep track of while service businesses do not. However, service businesses have to levy a approach on the hours their service providers work. Manufacturing usually uses the account method. This method counts an invoice as income. If any returns happen then the company has to make an offset of the income. Which potful lead to further reduction by the costs of goods sold to eventually find the company net profit.Finally, there is a thing called forecasting that manufacturing businesses do differently than service businesses. In a manufacturing business they count inventory first. Then it estimates the number it can produce in a certain keep down of time. This is dictated by the equipment that the business has as well as forecasted or predicted sales. Lastly, they add up the cost for all goods sold. Service businesses run completely different. They have no costs of goods to keep track of pull up the cost of overhead. Since there is no inventory there is no way economize equipment that helps determine expertness gains.In the end, service businesses base their forecast entirely on what the service providers themselves can manage. It is all up to them not any product or any kind of equipment. In conclusion, It is definitely more profitable to run a business I believe with the best ethical standards set in place for a business. People trust a company more that has a strong background and a known image of being trustworthy. Not practicing good business ethics can end a business fast or cause bankruptcy. It is best to do the right thing at all times no matter if it is in business or just life in general.
Fools and folly are widely used in comedy to create humour To what extent does this apply to Twelfth Night?
In this essay I will be exploring 12th Night and focusing on the extent at which rage is utilise to create humour. The word folly means a silly person or one who uses folly for the takement of others etc. In William Shakespeares buffoonery, Feste -licensed lounge about- the fathead is not the only visage who is subject to spudery others include Sir Andrew Aguecheek ( subjective fool), Malvolio who is exposed to be the natural fool and Sir Toby who is deemed to be the skipper of Misrule.Overall, fools and folly are widely used in Twelfth Night and form the basic plot. In Shakespeares Twelfth Night, Festes role in this Illyrian comedy is signifi faecest. Feste plays the role of a humble clown and is employed by Olivias father thus playing the role of the licensed fool of their household. Olivia states that Feste is an stoped fool meaning he is licensed to speak the truth of community around him in order to entertain others.This is withal seen when Curio states to the duke that Feste the jestera fool that the Lady Olivias father took much blissousness in. Even though Feste is employed to be foolish, when compared to the other characters he is deemed to be the wisest, wittiest and the most philosophic of all the characters. Viola echoes this by saying This fellows wise enough to play the fool. By having the role of a licensed fool, Festes main role is to speak to the truth. Comedy is achieved through with(predicate) the truthfulness of the character.The prototypical true glimpses of folly in Twelfth Night are seen in Act 1 dig 3. Sir Andrew serves as an excellent example of the judgement of Satire which Shakespeare throughout the play uses to undermine the so called rich people, hurrying class characters. Sir Toby encourages Sir Andrew to accost maria, which translates as chat her up and Sir Andrew foolishly addresses Maria as pricey mistress accost. Shakespeare interestingly uses satire but also comedy of address to illustrate his feelings t owards the rich and officeful.His intentions are clearly seen here for the rest of the play he starts with a powerful character macrocosm made a fool of and also ends with Malvolio organism made a fool of, not weaker characters uniform Maria (servant) feste (clown). In this neighborhood of the scene, the hearing expects a prominent, smart character to emerge on coif repay sufficient to the description given by Sir Toby Why, he has an income of three thousand ducats a year, which once more links to the idea of comedy of manners- a plot revolving around greed. Subsequently, Sir Andrew is a naive, un-intelligent person who creates comedy and folly by miss-understanding Sir Toby.Knights in Shakespeares time would easily be able to gain honour through women due to it being an attractive occupation. However, Sir Andrew is the complete opponent and this allows the earreach to jape at how a character can be so different from the usual stereotype. Sir Andrew being so naive and o pinion that he can easily add Maria to his endless list of women creates prominent irony, the audience cut that Maria thinks very poorly of him yet on the other hand Sir Andrew being so un-intelligent sedate thinks he is a wonderful human being.Alternatively, this area of Act 1 could show that even though Sir Andrew is rather naive, he still achieves because of the fact that Sir Toby mentions his three thousand ducats a year and Sir Andrew himself states to Maria that he is not such an ass and that he can keep his hand dry, this promotes the fact that when we wants to be, Sir Andrew can be smart and keep his hand dry which results in the audience weighing up whats to come in the future for Sir Andrew. Ultimately, Sir Andrew fails to woo Olivia resulting in Sebastian marrying Olivia.Overall, this links back to the idea of comedy of manners and satire as both Sir Toby and Sir Andrew have been socially undermined with it being Sir Tobys idea to set Andrew with Olivia and Sir Andrew failing in this quest. Feste who is employed to be funny and possibly foolish is quite the opposite when compared with Sir Andrew. Feste is a philosophical, smart and witty character. In relevance to the question, a fool (feste) is employed to make people laugh yet there is no doubting that he comes across as anything but a fool.Shakespeare uses this character to highlight and contrast the frailties in the other characters such as Sir Andrew for example by allowing the natural fool to be the natural wit which is a very clever tool, the audience arent express mirth at Feste being employed as fool yet laughing at how he makes others looking wish well a fool. In act 1 scene 5, we dont laugh at Feste for being a so called fool, we laugh at the witty re-marks that he creates and how undermines the people higher up him. Feste when talking to Maria regarding Countess Olivia states that Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage. This has deuce peculiar meanings.Firstly, Feste is sayi ng to Maria that sometimes its better being killed than entering marriage but to development the comedy the phrase could also mean that a well hung(sexual connotations) man can prevent a bad marriage. When compared to today, a modern day audience would still find that funny due to IY being true yet in Shakespearean comedy, the audience would have been very amazementd for a fool to come out with such a controversial phrase, thus change magnitude comedy. Shakespeare understands the need for surprise because the audience are laughing more at the surprise element rather than the joke itself.By putting this comical line in the final scene of the act, the audience have now gained a further understanding for the character and worked out how intelligent, witty Feste is. This will increase the popularity towards the character as the audience may have forgotten what happened previous to this scene when in act 2 yet the comical line from Feste would have stayed in their heads. Personally, S hakespeare wanted this immensely and therefore in relation to the question, yes fools are used to create humour but not through being stupid but by being witty and controversial as audiences like to be surprised.I believe the bad marriage area of the quote highlights the philosophical values that Feste has he is giving the audience his opinions on marriages which he has seen from a fools point of view. Shakespeare is also handing a lot of power to feste as he could be prophecy the future for the marriages of Sir Toby and Maria, Olivia and Sebastian etc. Finally, Shakespeare can be seen to use juxtaposition in order to allow the gag of Feste contrast with the well behaved Maria, this makes the audience possibly dislike Maria, an opinion shared by Shakespeare due to the time that he lived in, with the disrespectfulness of women.By the end of Act 2 scene 5, we gain the basic inherent plot. In scene 3, foolishness is definitely used to create comedy Shakespeare uses the main idea of dra matic irony to create comedy. Three characters (Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria) construct a plan to help make Malvolio look a fool, Shakespeare uses three characters to make the plot seem more severe, linking to the idea of a minor form of scurrilous comedy. In this scene we learn that foolishness is enhanced by using more people to coterie up on another.Sir Toby speaks that He shall think, by the letters that thou wilt purge, that they come from my niece, and that shes in love with him. This quote firmly shows Hell think these letters are from Olivia and that shes in love with him. Shakespeare uses a gang approach to this due to Malvolio being a so called kill joy, Sir Andrew and Maria show their opinions on the plan with phrases like Sport royal I have t in my nose too. Which again highlights the mood of the other characters, the audience will ultimately laugh in feeling guilt towards Malvolio.In today world, a gang culture shows power due to power in numbers but in Shakespeare times it could be sign of wealth and power to be able to create a group situation. The word drop signifies the height at which this will drop Malvolio and purposefully drop his heart when he finds out he is made out to be a fool. Subsequently, Malvolio foolishness creates huge comedy due to him being imprisoned because of his actions towards Olivia. The idea of a gang creating a plan to make another human being look a fool allows Shakespeare to experiment how Malvolio could act.By the end of the play he is seen to be very spiteful and out for revenge. Comedy isnt evermore seen through people being fools or made out to be fools. Comedy is also achieved through other ventures. In order to gain approval in the kingdom Viola dresses as a man and therefore can work close to Orsino and takes on the name Cesario. This creates comedy because the audience have it away that she is a women beneath the disguise yet the characters dont (dramatic irony) therefore power is given to the audience and they enjoy this.We understand in Act 1 scene 2 that she is going to take up some disguise by saying Conceal me what I am, and be my aid. At this trice in time, Viola seems very determined and confident towards being a man and she has reason so due to marrying Orsino at the end of the play. Therefore comedy isnt just seen through the eyes of folly and foolishness its also achieved elsewhere. Due to it being a live play, the audience would be able to see its a disguised woman, even though all actors were men, and thus again increasing comedy.Twelfth Night was once a day to mark the end of the Christmas festivities. It was the feast of fools and even now, the Christmas gruntle is a time where we all seek entertainment in the form of amusement and folly. Therefore Twelfth Night is still relevant today. Even now we love to see people make fools of themselves and the characters we dont like to be served with just retribution. In conclusion to my question, the answer is simply yes. S hakespeare doesnt just have fools to laugh at (feste) which would seem the normal idea but he makes others look fools.This is through Malvolio being miss-lead, the naivete of Sir Andrew and possibly Orsino not having Olivia and having to make do with Viola. Interestingly, Shakespeare warms to the so called lower class characters like Feste, Maria by creating strong and confident characters that make the more upper class characters around them look fools. Comedy is also achieved in the play by the mistaken identity of Viola, the concept of black comedy and the comedy of manners. both key integral parts of how this play is seen comical. Overall, the main comedy comes from people acting foolish or looking foolish as well as the idea of comedy of errors.
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