Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fukuyama s The End Of History - 882 Words

In Fukuyama s â€Å"The End of History?† published in 1989, he posits that with the end of the Cold War, humanity is reaching a point where Western liberal democracy and economic structure is the highest form of ideological development. Other ideologies (communism, fascism, etc.) are vestigial forms of thinking destined to fail and disappear in an inevitable progression towards a liberal system. In â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations?† published in 1993, Huntington writes that the world is divided into civilizations, based on culture (not ideology or economic factors), and that the conflicts of the future (and some in the present) will be based on divisions along those lines. These include, according to Huntington, â€Å"Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African...† (Huntington 1993, 25). While these theories are seemingly compatible at first glance – Fukuyama s Western liberalism be the victor in Huntington s war of civilizations – there is a major difference, and some important reasons for this difference, which we can find in the authors pasts. I believe that the major difference is Fukuyama s faith in a victory for Western liberalism. While Huntington is satisfied with showing that other civilizations/cultures will clash with the West s, Fukuyama is confident that the West is already on its way to victory. We can see sources of this thinking throughout his early life. Though ethnically Japanese, Fukuyama grew up integratedShow MoreRelatedFrancis Fukuyama s The End Of History985 Words   |  4 PagesIdeology, Life of Conflict: Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington In Francis Fukuyama s â€Å"The End of History?† published in 1989, he posits that with the end of the Cold War, humanity is reaching a point where Western liberal democracy and economic structure is the highest form of ideological development. Other ideologies (communism, fascism, etc.) are vestigial forms of thinking destined to fail and disappear in an inevitable progression towards a liberal system (Fukuyama 1989). In â€Å"The Clash of CivilizationsRead MoreThe Rise and Fall of Ideologies in Fukuyama ´s The End of History2534 Words   |  11 Pagesessay, The End of History, Fukuyama discusses the rise and fall of various ideologies throughout history, and the prevalence of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government. 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